My 5 New Year’s Resolutions for 2019

Hi everyone!

2019 has just begun so I thought I’d share some of my New Year’s Resolutions with all of you in case you haven’t thought of any yet. These are pretty applicable to most people, but feel free to tailor it to your own needs and desires.

1. Take time to heal

One of my goals for 2019 is prioritizing self-care. I’ve been sick for the last three months of 2018, and am sick pretty frequently in general, so this year I’m going to start off by taking some time to heal my mind and body. I’m quitting all the bad habits that contribute to my sicknesses and will go out less until I feel better. I’m also picking yoga and meditation back up and plan to go to the studio regularly to get back in shape since I haven’t gone to the gym to work out since I’ve gotten sick. Hopefully I’ll see my energy levels rise and I’ll be able to breathe easy again.

2. Be more engaged online

I also want to grow my online presence in 2019. I haven’t been consistent with my blogging or Instagram posts, so I plan to post more on both platforms and create more content for all of you. I also want to engage more with my followers and have a lot of giveaways planned for the beginning of 2019 so look forward to that!

3. Be bold and spontaneous

One of my goals for 2019 is to be more spontaneous and try lots of new things. I definitely want to travel more, and do a bunch of other things like get my first tattoo and go bungee jumping. Planning everything out can be kind of stressful and I think this is my year to finally go with the flow. Hopefully I’ll have lots of firsts this year and make lots of meaningful memories!

4. Spend less on materialistic goods

A more practical goal of mine is to spend less money this year. I’ve always been terrible at saving money and I tend to spend money when I get it. As a fashion blogger it’s hard to not spend money on clothes and accessories, especially with changing trends, but my goal is to save more and try to limit the amount of products I buy. I’m also running out of closet space in my apartment so hopefully this will also help me manage and reduce the clutter I have.

5. Be more appreciative

Finally, my last goal this year is to take time to appreciate the good things that happen in life. No matter how big or small, my plan is to write down one thing I’m grateful for each day. I’ve tried this before but was never able to do it consistently because of how forgetful I am, but I’m going to try to make it into a habit this year. I think this is one of the most important goals someone can have because it honestly changes your mindset and gives you a more positive outlook on the world. Mental health is such an important thing and the more you think about what you should be grateful for, the more you’ll realize all the good that happens to you, even when it seems like things aren’t going your way.

And that’s it! Those are my five New Year’s resolutions for this upcoming year. I know a lot of people forget about theirs within months or even weeks after the New Year starts, but hopefully having these on the back of your mind will help you have a strong start to 2019!

Best of luck to you in the New Year! Happy 2019 🎆🎊



sandra ❀


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